Old Harbor Life-Saving Station


Funded interior furnishings for the refurnished Old Harbor Life-Saving Station in Provincetown…

The Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore conducted a two-year capital campaign and raised $180,000 to refurnish the interior of Old Harbor Life-Saving Station. Old Harbor is now essentially the only completely furnished, historical life-saving station in the country, bringing to life this important aspect of maritime history. Furnishings purchased and donated included the 1899 Annual Report of the Life-Saving Service, a Watchman's Clock, a sink and hand-pump, kitchen cook stove, heating stoves for mess room and crew quarters, beds, lanterns, and more. A period telephone was donated by a local resident.  Books from the late 1800's were donated by two families. Chairs for the mess room were fabricated by a local artisan.  The crew's quarters were outfitted with blankets and pillows provided at cost by Snow's of Orleans.  There is a replica “McLellan Service Boat Wagon” which was specially commissioned and built by the North Carolina Maritime Museum, based on actual specifications drawn up in the l890s.

Sunset photo courtesy of Kain DeFoe Communications, all other photos, courtesy of NPS