Why Your Support Matters

Park Superintendent Jennifer Flynn and her staff challenged the Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore (FCCNS) with project needs for 2024/2025 totaling $300,000 to restore and protect park resources and enhance visitor access, safety, and health. In their diverse nature, these projects resemble many funded by FCCNS over the past decades.  However, the scale of these requests requires expanded fundraising capacity. Read More…

Link here to review a list of our upcoming and ongoing projects.

Statement from the Board of the Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore

Make a General Donation or
Donate to One of Our Special Funds

General Donations received will be directed to where it is needed most and to current projects.
Our special funds are described below. Choose one from the list you’ll find on the form.

Are you celebrating a special occasion?
Consider naming The Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore as beneficiary for donations in your honor
for a birthday or a wedding.

Gift in Memory or Honor of a Loved One
Choose to pay tribute to someone special with a Memorial or Honorary Gift.

Does your employer match charitable donations?
Consider The Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore for submission for any matching program and make your donation count even more.

All payments and donations are transacted through AffiniPay, a completely secure system integrated into our membership software.


Our Special Funds

Joshua A. Nickerson Fund 

Nickerson Conservation Fellows

Nickerson Conservation Fellows

Joshua A. Nickerson, an original member of the National Seashore Advisory Commission and its Chairman from 1966-77, held a life-long concern for the Lower Cape region. He was a staunch supporter of conservation values as the Seashore's programs and facilities developed in the park’s early years. In this spirit, the fund, established in 1992, receives, manages, and disburses monies to support one or more Nickerson Conservation Fellows selected through an application process administered by the Seashore. Link here for information about current and previous year’s research projects conducted by Nickerson Conservation Fellows.

Arnold Ostwald Memorial Fund 

Buttonbush Trail for the visually impaired.

Buttonbush Trail for the visually impaired.

Mr. Ostwald was a blind volunteer at the National Seashore who believed that his visual impairment could be used to promote an awareness of nature and the outdoors through the use of other senses. He initiated a series of public guided walks for the visually impaired and worked with Seashore rangers to equip the Buttonbush Trail with guide ropes, Braille text, touch exhibits and a graded path. In his memory, monies received by this fund are used to maintain the Buttonbush Trail and contribute to improving and ensuring accessibility at other National Seashore facilities.

William A. Petitt Memorial Fund 

Atwood-Higgins House

Atwood-Higgins House

Mr. Petitt, a Cape Cod National Seashore volunteer, helped to organize, care for and preserve museum collections at Salt Pond Visitor Center, the Atwood-Higgins complex in Wellfleet and the Captain Edward Penniman House in Eastham. Donations made to this fund at the outset of the memorial program were used to acquire a nucleus of books for establishment of a much-needed curator's reference library. Monies now received are used to enhance the archives through further acquisition of historical objects and out-of-print books.

If you wish to send a donation, Download and mail-in this form.

Planned Giving 

You can help assure that future generations will be able to enjoy the natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and historic landmarks of the Cape Cod National Seashore by leaving a gift to the Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore in your will, or including the organization in trust documents.  Consult your lawyer or tax advisor about opportunities for making charitable donations of money and other assets.  Contact us at info@fccns.org with questions and to request more information to assist you.